Stämmer in så bra på situationen just nu..

I learned to live, half-alive
And now you want me one more time

Who do you think you are?
Runnin' round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?

I hear you're asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
But I have grown too strong
To ever fall back in your arms


Kom ihåg mig?

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:-) :-( :-P :-d :-O ;-) ;-s ;-( :-| :question: :rolleyes: :love: :blush: :mad: :cool: :tired: :bigeyes: :thumbup: :thumbdown: ;-P
